I spent most of the afternoon being confounded by some web site programming (not my own) until I just plowed through the code line by line by line until I got it figured out. Four hours of time invested learning once again why they call what programmers produce “code”. As someone once wrote, “If I had meant for you to read it, I wouldn’t have written it in code!” But, that hurdle is behind me and I’m back to being productive once again on building the new elections website.
I’ve also decided to use my other blog Technology Matters to talk about the new website and related stuff and keep it off of this blog. This one is primarily meant as an online journal about my life in general and I’d like to keep it a little less technical.
Meanwhile, today has been a nice, restful day. I had Church this morning and substituted on the organ. Me feet cooperated and the hymns were easy ones. It was also Fast Sunday, meaning that we skip two meals and donate what we would have spent to the Church for those less fortunate. That gave me a lot of quality time to figure out what was happening with the website software. Tomorrow will be a busy day with things to finish outside plus I need to somehow bring a lawn tractor here from Soda Springs. Life continues to be very good.