It Definitely Got Warm Today!

A Pretty Sunset
A Pretty Sunset

I actually spent most of the day outside in the yard today. The day was warm … actually tending towards hot … and was probably the warmest day so far this year. I finished up the garden bed I need to deliver tomorrow evening (took two trips, one to Home Depot and one to Lowes, though). I mowed the back yard (it definitely needs to be weed whipped), and we planted the apple tree Nina bought at Costco a couple of weeks ago. It’s got blossoms on the tree, so it’s probably high time we got it into the ground!

A couple of days ago a fellow I follow in Twitter (@Dread3) and who lives in Pocatello, suggested we should get together for lunch sometime. That sometime turned out to be today and we met at a local Mexican restaurant, Sr. Iguanas. I like that restaurant and it’s a good place for lunch because you can actually carry on a conversation with someone and be able to hear. It was nice to meet in person someone I’ve only known on Twitter. We’ll definitely do lunch on some regular basis as we’ve both got a lot of computers and information technology in our background.

Tomorrow morning I’m headed to Idaho Falls and need to be there by 8 a.m. at the Church’s cannery to put in a four hour shift canning chunky chicken noodle soup. I’ll be taking four other people with me for this volunteer assignment.

Today was a very nice day. I think tomorrow (after I get home from the cannery) will also be a nice day. I’m not quite ready to start complaining about how hot is it!