Ink for printers is incredibly expensive, in my not-so-humble opinion. The cheapest place to buy ink from the manufacturer is at Costco. However, Costco only sells printer inks for the latest printer models and then only in sets. Nina uses a lot of black ink and we’ve got plenty of colored ink for her printer. So, I checked a couple of options in town. Both Staples and OfficeMax sell just the black ink her printer needs. That’s goodness. The price for a cartridge of black ink at OfficeMax is a dollar more expensive than a set of black and color cartridges from Costco. Staples as even more expensive. There’s something wrong with this picture!
This busy day included:
The Pocatello Amateur Radio Club monthly breakfast at 9 a.m. I went and had an OK breakfast, but the location combined with my cold made for a less-than-hoped-for experience. There were about 18 of us at the breakfast in a row of tables in the room with everyone else and the noise level was so high I came away with a serious headache.
The Kinport Branch Relief Society (that’s the group up at the Women’s Prison where Nina was the Relief Society President until last September) had a conference and a fashion show in the afternoon. Nina went and reported that it was an excellent meeting with excellent attendance from the women. It ended at 3 p.m. which was the time that Nina and I both had to be underway to Idaho Falls for a special meeting followed by an endowment session. So, she ducked out early and I met her at the Stake Center so we could head north.
Each year as part of Ward Conferences, the Stake schedules a Saturday afternoon meeting at the Temple with a member of the Temple Presidency followed by an endowment session. These are always very delightful and beneficial events. The cold didn’t leave me alone, however. At the beginning of the endowment session I got coughing so hard I was sure I would have to leave. Thanks to folks around me, we got it under control. I’m rather unhappy with this cold.