As we do on most Friday’s, Nina and I were at the Idaho Falls Temple bright and early. We left the house at 4:45 am with our oldest son James and his wife LeeAnn following. They wanted to do a session and decided to attend the first session of the day.
We had lunch at the Temple after our shift ended and came back home. Nina wanted to go onto the reservation where the old washing machines were along side of the road. Jim said that his camera hadn’t taken him on a drive for a long time, so we piled into the car and went to the reservation. The place where the washing machines are was easily found, but well occupied with people trimming trees and such. We’ll go back on another day.
I also had two meetings for the Pocatello 50 ultra marathon. The race organizers had a meeting at the start/finish line with everyone who could be there who was participating in the race at 5 pm. That was a pretty interesting briefing. The race organizers emphasized a couple of times that this was a hard race. I remarked that it was “going to be fun to watch them run!” These are some crazy people…
Then at 8 pm we had a meeting for the folks who will be manning the ham radio stations for the race. It’s not possible, because of the terrain, for all of the aid stations to be able to talk to each other without the assistance of repeaters and we discussed in detail how this system would be working. Jim and I will be working at the City Creek aid station, which is about 1/3 of the way into the race. The race starts at 6:00 am sharp and we’ll need to be in place by about 7:30 am. It should be a LOT of fun!