Another Beginning!

It’s only a small beginning, but never the less, an important one. Today I transitioned from being on contract at the Idaho National Laboratory to being an employee. Not much changes about my job … I’m still in the same office, at the same desk, using the same computer … and still managing the project I’ve been working on for the past 18 months.

Like most companies, the laboratory has a time limit on how long a contractor can work at the same job. That’s pretty much dictated by the IRS and 18 to 24 months is pretty much the limit before the IRS decides that the person isn’t on a contract, but instead is an employee. The IRS cares about this because it makes a difference in taxes. Employees garner more tax revenue than contractors do.

I really like my job. I really enjoy the people I’m working with. This is a good change. What an incredible difference from how my career seemed to come to an end at AMI Semiconductor.

I rather like this new beginning!

2 thoughts on “Another Beginning!

  1. Congratulations! I was unaware that this was happening but that is great news. It means they like you enough to keep you around. 🙂

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