On Thursday, March 15th, Nina had her left knee sliced and diced, chipped and scraped, and came out of the operating room with a new knee.
Later that afternoon the physical therapist (who happens to be our niece Jennifer’s home teacher) came in and Nina stood up on her new knee for the first time. She was pretty happy!
She was released from the hospital on Saturday afternoon and has spent the past ten days recovering and doing everything that the doctor, nurse, and therapist have ordered. The recovery is going very well … enough so that I was able to go back to work today.
The knee is very painful. Worse than childbirth, she says (and based on the past week, I believe it!). But, each day is an improvement over the previous day. In two or three months the other one will get done and she’ll get to do this pain routine all over again. Everyone we’ve talked to says it’s worth it. I believe that, too!
Hi Roland and Nina,
From what I’m told, so long as Nina applies herself to her recovery-therapy, she’ll likely do very well. Best wishes to you both.
Mike Wise
(currently employed by a company that manufactures knees…)