The Rigid, Rabid Partisanship … It Must End, Now!

This morning I got up and opened Facebook on my iPad. The first item that showed up was just outright ugly. I closed Facebook down and haven’t looked at it again. I probably won’t look at it tomorrow, either.

This ugliness has to stop. If the next two years go like the last two years, we are in big trouble as a country.

I’ve sent an email to the Idaho congressional delegation pleading with them to put aside the rabid partisanship and to engage in real dialog and honest compromise. I urge you to do the same. Email works better than a letter to a Representative or a Senator. Mail gets quarantined and then put through all kinds of tests to be certain the envelope doesn’t contain anything nefarious. Email gets delivered immediately. It’ll take more than one email; more than one letter to the editor. But, it’s time to let congress know that business as usual is no longer acceptable … and retreating into more one-upmanship or more zingers and gotchas is not what we as a country want nor deserve.

My friends list in Facebook and the folks in my Google+ circles are going to get a serious trim as well. I’m through with all this partisan junk.

On an other note … today was another physical therapy session followed by three hours in the office. The physical therapy went very well. When the therapist measured the bend in my knees, both were 115 degrees, an almost 10 degree improvement since Monday. 120 is the target and well within reach.

It felt good to be back in the office as well. I’ve been slowly ramping up my workload at the office and am really looking forward to getting back to work full time. Tomorrow my plan is to drive myself to the office. I won’t have physical therapy tomorrow, so driving myself should work without any issue. I’ll do a couple of turns around the block, however, before making that final decision.

Ta ta for now!