A Nice Few Days for Walking!


The weather in Chandler, Arizona has been (for us) delightful. Close by the house is a greenway path which is an easy walk. So, over the past week Nina and I have taken four walks sometime during the day. Walking is enjoyable once again and it’s pleasant to be outside strolling along. I have the Runkeeper app on my iPhone and, when I remember to do it right, keeps track of the time, speed, and mileage. Each day I’m setting “new” records … longest walk, longest distance in a week, fastest pace, and more. That’ll soon end as I’ll run out of available records to set.


I wish that the relationship amongst walking, calories, and weight loss were different and that walking had more effect on weight loss than eating. ‘Tis not so, however. That bag of chips I just ate a few minutes ago wiped out the last two days of walking. Not fair, I say!