It’s Sinking In … Now The Planning Starts!

Mission Call for Roland Smith
Mission Call for Roland Smith

We’re spending the weekend in Park City, Utah, spending time with some of our grandchildren. We’re enjoying a few days of downtime and easing into the retirement life. We left on Friday afternoon, later than we had planned, as a few other things came up. The mail gets put in our mailbox around 3pm each day, so we went past the UPS store to check the mail, and the Big White Envelope was there! So, we brought it with us and arranged to get several of the family online while we opened and read the mission call. Interestingly, there were two letters in the envelope: One to me and one to Nina. They read almost identically. I kind of thought the letter would be addressed to both of us.

Now that we know where we’ll be living and what we’ll be doing starting March 9th, we can figure out what we’ll be doing between now and March 9th. We have some vague ideas, but now need to solidify what, when, and where.

We’ll first do an eastern tour. I’m kind of thinking we can be ready to leave by the end of this coming week. A major task to be completed this week is to sell the motorcycle. I have two very interested parties … one wants to come and buy it on Monday, the other person is out of town and can’t get there until Thursday. I need to get that sorted out as I’d like very much to have the bike sold before we leave.

For the tour … we’ll be stopping first in Green River, Wyoming and spend some time with my Favorite Brother. That could possibly be over Conference Weekend (haven’t asked him, yet). We’ll want to be somewhere to be able to see conference. We’ll be stopping by Kentucky, Pennsylvania, and Ohio for sure. Highly possible that we’ll go to South Carolina and Connecticut depending on whether or not people will be there that we want to see. Looking at RV rental sites in Arizona, it looks like there are a lot of options at very affordable prices.

Decisions, decisions. Life is good!

I took some obligatory video of opening the envelope and reading the mission call:


2 thoughts on “It’s Sinking In … Now The Planning Starts!

  1. May your time in this incredible service to the Lord be blessed and, above all, may those you serve come to know the Lord in love, joy, grace, hope and faith. My prayers go with both of you and for the truest meaning of “success”.

    Winnie Chapman-Coursey

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