My mother and dad celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary while they were serving their third mission at the Manila Philippines Temple. They got their start on doing missions earlier than we did. Dad retired from Monsanto the day he became eligible, I waited to make up for the debacle at AMI Semiconductor and was having a delightful time working with the big supercomputers at the Idaho National Laboratory.
Yesterday was our fiftieth wedding anniversary. We were working at the Visitors’ Center during the afternoon and while we were there, some of the sister missionaries decorated the door to our house. We sure do enjoy these missionaries!
Today was our Preparation Day and we spent most of it down south. I had an appointment for an oil change for the car in Kanaohe at 8am (it’s an hour south of here). After that we went to Whole Foods in Kailua then to the Ala Moana Mall area. I dropped Nina off at Walmart while I went to the Apple Store for an appointment to try and figure out why my iPhone and iPad suddenly will no longer backup to iTunes. We spent an hour trying several things and did get one successful backup. They’ve given me three other things to try as this is pretty much a previously unknown issue and may well be a misbehaving application.
After that I picked Nina up and we stopped at Costco for the monthly big-grocery purchase and then back home. We left at 7am this morning and got back at 4:30 this afternoon.
We had a set of sister missionaries over for dinner and enjoyed the conversation with them. One is from the Chicago area and grew up speaking Korean. The other is from Tokyo, Japan. Both are diligent, obedient missionaries and I enjoyed getting to know them a little better. So, now everything is cleaned up and ready for tomorrow. I’m substitute teaching the 16-17 year olds in Sunday School, so I have some things to print off for them and then I’m ready for bed. It’s been a very nice day and I’m looking forward to tomorrow’s “day of rest”!
Life is eternal!