Yesterday we made a quick trip to Soda Springs to pick up a gas grill to facilitate cooking hamburgers, hotdogs, and bratwursts on the Fourth of July. Lots of family are converging on Soda Springs that day to celebrate. Heather and family, Jaelene and Family, Daryl, and James and family will all be there. It should be a lot of fun.
The other day I got an e-mail from a lady in Florida who had done a search on the Cleveland Cemetery and my post about Decoration Day showed up. She has family buried in that cemetery and is a cousin of some sort. Some of her ancestors along with some of my family immigrated to the United States from Denmark on a boat that my great-great-grandfather had purchased. Since my dad knew the story, I took my iRiver model iFP895 mp3 player / recorder with us. I sat it on the dinner table after we had finished eating, turned it onto record, and asked dad to tell me about the boat.
I was quite delighted with how the recording turned out. This little tiny device and it’s even smaller built-in microphone did an incredible job of recording dad’s story. Tonight I pulled it into Audacity, did some editing, added a preamble, and put it out as an mp3. You can download the file here. This file is about 4.5 megabytes long, which means it’ll take about 45 minutes on a slow dial-up connection to download. On a high-speed connection it’ll take a couple of minutes (A lower quality audio file that is half the size is located here. It’ll take half as long to download. If you want me to send it to you in a CD, leave a comment with your e-mail address and I’ll contact you via e-mail to get your mailing address). The playing time is right at 5 minutes. It’s an interesting story and I hope that you enjoy it!
Roland! The recording is fabulous. And what a fascinating detail re the home that was burned. I’ll bet your father would love to have had some personal items from the family home. How did it come to be that the home was burned? Just an accident?
Thanks again for providing a truly marvelous gift on this July 4, 2005.
Hey father!
I’m without internet access at home for a bit. Could you make me a copy of the CD? Thanks! I’d love to listen to it.
Much love,