I’ve Read Some Great New Posts

The blogging spirit has touched several people and I’ve enjoyed the reading. Nina’s sister Pam (links on the right side of the page) has written a couple of delightful posts in the past few days. It is good to read a bit out what is going on in other people’s lives. Nina talks fairly often with our daughters, but not all of that conversation filters through to me. For instance — Dawnmarie and Kirk have upgraded their car! That was interesting news to me. Dawnmarie just went through a frustrating process with her driver’s license. It’s a great story so I’ll be asking if she’ll let me post it on my blog. You’d think that would be an easy task…. Wrong. Jim, Heather, and Jaelene all have written on their blogs with more interesting tidbits. My brother Perry has a new post with some additional information about his treatment program. I’m liking this new world of communication.

Speaking of Perry, he had his first chemo treatment today. The doctor told him the first treatment would take between six and eight hours because they would have to knock down all of the allergic reactions that he would have to this first dose. It didn’t sound at all pleasant. Here’s hoping that he recovers well from this round. Some year people will look back on how we had to treat cancer in this day and age and will shudder at how barbaric it sounds, just like we look back on how dental work was done before anesthesia (wooden teeth and all). However it is getting much better. My grandmother Mary Smith died from stomach cancer when I was a senior in high school. There were very few treatment options available and she essentially starved to death. Again, not very pleasant.

With that I need to get back to something much more uplifting. It’s snowing outside! We’re ahead of normal in the water budget for the year. We’ve had much more than normal rainfall which has been filling up the ponds, lakes, and reservoirs. This is very good. Let it snow!