A Great Restaurant Sign

no meetings

Friday I went to lunch with a number of people on our local staff. They wanted to take me to a very traditional Filipino restaurant in Calamba. The place was very small with lots of tables crowded into a small space. The service was buffet style featuring some very “interesting” items. I eventually made some decisions. The best part of the meal was the bottle of 7-Up…. This particular restaurant is supposed to be quite famous…. I think it qualifies as a one-time experience. While there, I noticed a sign prohibiting meetings posted in several places around the restaurant. One was right by our table. I pointed it out to the folks I was having lunch with and they didn’t think it was very strange at all. Well, I certainly did! This is another one of those signs that goes into the blog because it’s, well, strange. On the other hand, a prohibition on meetings for a couple of days sounds pretty good to me!