No Discharge From the Hospital Today For Dad

As far as the surgery is concerned, dad is cleared for discharge. The surgeon was very pleased with how things were going and dad’s recovery. However, the cardiologists are wanting to get some of the heart issues better under control. There’s still some signs of pneumonia that they’d like to clear up. So, he’s still in ICU hooked up to all the monitors and IV’s. He’s been out of bed a few times which has really tired him out. Tonight he’s supposed to get out of bed and sit in a chair to eat his dinner. I brought mother home from the hospital for our dinner and we’ll head back to the hospital in a few minutes. She’s hoping to meet up with the cardiologist tonight if at all possible.

Meanwhile, dad looks very good — better than he has for quite a while. He’d like to get out of there, but the rest is doing him good.