Dad is actually being very good (for him). A little while ago he burst out with “I’m not going to break any rules!” When I asked him what brought that on, he replied, “They’ve got my life in their hands.”
We’ve learned a couple of interesting things. For instance, he cannot have all four sides to his bed up at the same time unless a doctor allows “restraint” be used. Apparently, all four up at the same time means he’s “restrained” and that has to be reported to the government. The four sides are two at the top (chest and head area, right and left sides of the bed) and two at the bottom (waist, legs, and feet, right and left sides of the bed). Dad thrashes around so much when he’s sleeping that he can move himself right out of the bed if the sides are not up. But, since he generally moves to his right rather than to the left, the bottom left side of the bed is “open” so that he isn’t considered to be “restrained.” Maybe tomorrow I’ll remember to take a picture!
According to the doctor he did indeed have a stroke. The cardiologist said that his very weak heart is what is causing the atrial fibrillation (see the link for some interesting information). The gall bladder surgery required them to reduce the coumedin levels in his blood so he wouldn’t bleed to death on the operating table. That combination is probably what led to his heart throwing a clot and causing the stroke. The damage right now seems to be fairly limited (or as the doctor said, he has “limited deficits”).
The cardiologists had planned to do another cardioversion in a few days. Tonight the cardiologist said that procedure will not be performed. His atrail fibrillation will now be with him for life and what little control they can exercise over it with drugs will have to do.
So, for now he’ll be in the hospital for “a few more days.” I suspect that means at least for the rest of this week. But, he is improving. He’s smiling, can laugh at jokes, and is “not breaking any rules.” He had a lot of visitors today which he seemed to enjoy. I’m a little more optimistic today.
Happy New Year! (Rabbit Rabbit)