Dad continues to make a good recovery. He was cleared by the doctors to be able to go home for a few hours yesterday and today. My sister Terry and her husband Allan helped mother take him to the house yesterday. Nina, Ashlyn (Nina’s niece who is visiting for a few days), and I went over today (I took another short video of the day).When we arrived, he was ready and raring to go. Mother brought her car to the front of the hospital, Nina and Ashlyn helped him get in, and off we went to their house for a few hours.
Dad enjoyed being home and sitting in his chair. He watched some television and did a little snoozing. Nina had put together a nice Sunday dinner of roast beef, mashed potatoes and gravy, peas, and Nina’s canned peaches for dessert. We had a good time and managed to get dad back to the hospital only a little late for his 6:00 p.m. curfew. He was tired, but happy.