Krefeld, Germany
I picked the missionaries up at 7:45 for a quick Missionary Correlation Meeting. We discussed the possibility of renting a glass advertisement space for putting a display up about the Church. We decided to emphasis missionary work until Missionary Week of April 14th.
Br. Hoppe came to Priesthood meeting. Sunday School class was over the baptism of Jesus, selection of the apostles, and the miracle of Cana.
I talked to Ingeborg Von Royen about a stake mission. She’ll think it over.
I drove to Dortmund for meetings and got there just in time for the start. Good meeting. The Stake Patriarch was there. We got the new yearbooks for the Branch. I stayed for just 45 minutes of the Stake Quarterly Priesthood Meeting. We had an argue-er there; he had something to say about everything. I went by the Grühn’s to see if their kids were going to Sacrament Meeting. They weren’t.
I arrived at Church 10 minutes before the meeting and found nothing ready. I must remember to make assignments next time. We had a good Sacrament Meeting. Sister Bolyer, Trieschmann, Br. Miller, and Br. Hoppe spoke. 29 present. After the meeting I drove the Wright’s home.
They and Peter came over later and we got the financial report finished. We sorted out all the Sunday School, etc., newsletters and prepared envelopes for everyone. I took Mervyn and Lynn home. Peter spent the night.
Transcribed from my journal.