Thursday, 16 January 1975

Alfdorf and Krefeld, Germany

I got up about 10:30. I showered and packed the suitcase and checked out of the hotel. The cost was 138.00 marks — 120 for the room for 3 nights and 18.00 for telephone calls to Mervyn and the PostScheckAmt (post office bank). I was able to get breakfast. I went in to Repa just about noon. I made MOUT tape to take to BLW next week and asked Bill Stevens to get info and formulas to calcuate standard costs. I talked with Dr. Von der Lanken’s secretary and ordered the books for Pleuger, attn. Dr. Peeper. The word from Hannover is that the 2314 drive is there but thay haven’t been able to test it because they didn’t have a disk. They knew two months ago that it was coming. It is rather strange that they’ve not ordered one. This is a delay we don’t need.

The driver to the Stuttgart Airport was a half-hour late and traffic was worse than normal, but I made the airport in time. I sat next to a seathog on the way back to Düsseldorf on the airplane. He wanted all of his seat plus half of the ones on either side. Fortunately it’s only a 50 minute flight. The airplane was full. The weather in Alfdorf was mostly coudy with haze; Düsseldorf was overcast.

I did get the seat belt for Frau Schmetz. The price was still 88.80 marks. I had almost 30 kg of luggage, almost 10 kg over, but no questions asked.

Nina picked me up at the airport and I babysat while she went to Relief Society. I did the dishes and cleaned up downstairs. I called Gordon at the Hilton and finally reached him about 10 p.m. He’ll find his own way into Ehrenreich in the morning.

Eight sisters at Relief Society. I took Santa Clause off of the front room door and went to bed about 11:00 p.m.

Transcribed from my journal.