Thursday, 23 January 1975

Munich, Germany

Up at 7 a.m. — very tired. I ate breakfast at the hotel and we went to the plant. I talked briefly with Bill Hoerner and went back to school with Hr. Busch. We finished up the subroutines and macros. Busch wrote a small probram but couldn’t get on the machine until 2:30.

I ate lunch in the Executive Dining Room and received compliments on my German ability. Steinwender (Personal Mgr), Schorrschop (Industrial Engineer), Keller (new man in Product Design), Gordon Plummer, and I had lunch. Another excellent meal.

After lunch I got on the machine and Busch got his proram running. I made modifications to the Parts Master Edit and Maintenance, generated the Dataform input program, and keyed in 23 transactions to use for test purposes.

Gordon got ahold of my telex to George about going to Hamburg. He was a bit upset that I hadn’t cleared it with him first. The trip is not set yet, so there was no reason to talk with Gordon unless it’s going to come off, which I expect it will.

I tried to find the reason for the bad translation from ASCII to EBCIDIC which was not running correctly when putting out the tapes for IBM. I found only one table in the program: EBCIDIC to ASCII. I don’t know how he is going about going the other direction. I have to call London tomorrow to see if they know the answer. Meanwhile, I might try writing the tape in ASCII and have IBM translate it.

I left the plant after 8 p.m. and went to the Ranch House for super and had spare ribs. Excellent. Followed that with a Peach Melba. I was back to the hotel about 11 p.m. and took a short walk with Gordon to find a newspaper. We finally found one at the Intercontinental Hotel.

Transcribed from my journal.