Alfdorf, Germany
Up at 9:00. Had breakfast and paid the hotel bill — 42 marks including breakfast. I took a taxi to the train station and put my luggage in a locker. I shopped around until the train left at 12:18 pm. I took the train to Göppingen where Hans picked me up. The train cost 37 marks. I was back at Repa at about 3:30.
The disk drive was running. I generated DOS on the drive. The service engineer tried testing the com boxes between the two computers. No go. They left about 6 p.m.
I worked on core dump programs until 7:30 and went to the Haghof Hotel.
I had shrimp for dinner and went about 9 to bed and called Nina. The missionaries haven’t found an apartment and must move out on Saturday. That will probably mean they’ll have to move in with us. I read a while in a Perry Mason book in German and went to sleep.
Transcribed from my journal.