I like puns. I like words that almost sound like other words. However, I seldom have the opportunity to actually make one up. I also like Twitter and after a little more than a month I’m liking it more as time goes on.
Today was the “vicious winter storm” (so said the National Weather Service) that wasn’t. That is, the snow did not arrive as predicted, the winds did, though not with the predicted intensity. It has been windy enough, however, that copious amounts of snow have been blown into my driveway. With any luck the snow will get blown out by the wind overnight…. Yeah, right. I’ll be running the snowblower in the morning for sure.
My good friend Duane Slocum posted his “bucket list” on his Christmas Day blog entry. The name comes from the movie by the same name coming soon to theaters near you. It refers to a list of “must do” things before one “kicks the bucket.” Then a couple of days later, Duane chided me for not commenting on his list. Well, Duane, I thought everyone over the age of 40 already had their “bucket list”! I do, it’s rather lengthy, and things are getting added faster than they’re coming off. It is a good idea for a future blog entry, though.
I also have another list … a list of people I wish to meet and talk to after I die. For instance, Willis Carrier is on the list. Several times each summer I bless him for having invented air conditioning. Thomas Crapper used to be on the list until I learned from Wikipedia (a sometimes authoritative source) that he was not the inventor of the flush toilet…. Now my list has next to his crossed-out name an entry that reads “Inventor of the flush toilet”, meaning that I still have some research to do in the next life. The public latrines in Ephesus, for instance, used running water to wash away the effluent, so the flush toilet had to come somewhat later than that. I have vivid memories of treking outside in the snow to the two-holer when I was about four years old and we were living in a small out building in Cleveland (Idaho … only a cemetery remains) at Aunt Ann and Uncle Rulon’s place. That and carrying buckets of water down the hill and to the house (because the building where we were living had no running water) are my only two memories from that time.
Well, it’s time to start thinking about the “best and worst of 2007”. Tomorrow is the last day of this year and that could easily be another “blog beween the tweets…”!
Roland, my friend……..
I still had a two holer for a bathroom when I graduated from HS in 1954 as well as no hot water, except what my mother heated on the stove. I never took a shower until I joined the Navy right out of HS. We also didn’t have a TV. Maybe I should record all that stuff.