Tag Archives: mormon church

Politics? Don’t Talk No Mormon Politics Here!

The church meeting this morning was going fairly well. The group leader’s topic was about the Mormon Church and political stands. He was trying very hard to keep on topic and not where many in the group wanted to go: Why.Don’t.We.Have.Anyone.To.Vote.For.In.This.Election? The discussion moved closer and closer to the edge until the patriarch of the group announced, “There’s 25 seconds until the end of the class and we still have to have a closing prayer.”

The group leader responded, “That’s a good reminder, Bill. Why don’t you….” At which time Bill stood up, folded his arms, and pronounced the benediction on the class. We ended ten seconds early, according to Bill’s watch. We were saved once again from a furious debate about why Mitt Romney pulled out of the nomination race before we in Idaho had a chance to vote for him.